Lone Star Consultant Recognized by the Institute of Navigation
Dallas, Texas (3/17/14) Mr. Logan Scott, a long-time consultant at Lone Star, has been selected as an Institute of Navigation (ION) Fellow. This highly regarded selection was based on Logan’s distinguished contributions to the advancement of navigation over his career.
Mr. Scott is a visionary leader in the field of GPS security who has been a tireless advocate for improved civil GPS security. He was among the first to recognize how widespread GPS use in critical national infrastructure would lead to a need for civil GPS signal authentication features. He invented a new and fundamental asymmetric navigation security paradigm for civil GPS signals that avoids the need for secure key storage in civil GPS receivers, and thus allows for widespread adoption in applications without physical security capabilities. As a participant in the DHS national risk assessment, he led numerous discussions on threat models and possible mitigations and was instrumental in formulating national policy recommendations for civil receiver certification, jammer detection and location, and cryptographic civil GPS watermarking features.
Mr. Scott has been an invited speaker before the President’s PNT Advisory Board, the GPS Directorate’s Independent Review Team, numerous academic symposia, and has made revolutionary recommendations to the GPS Directorate on improved civil security features. He holds 36 patents, with several pending, and has published numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings, and industry publications.
In addition to his technical contributions, Mr. Scott has served the ION in a number of capacities, including as an ION GNSS+ 2013 track chair, as a reviewer for NAVIGATION and as a session chair of numerous technical sessions.
About the Institute of Navigation
The Institute of Navigation (ION) is the world’s premier non-profit professional society dedicated to the advancement of the art and science of positioning, navigation and timing (PNT). Founded in 1945, it serves a diverse community including those interested in air, space, marine, land navigation, and position determination. Its membership is worldwide, and it is affiliated with the International Association of Institutes of Navigation.
ION members are drawn from many sources including professional navigators, astronomers, cartographers, photogrametrists, meteorologists, engineers, physicists, educators, geodesists, surveyors, general aviation and airline pilots, mariners, yachtsmen, and anyone interested in position-determining systems. Corporate members include corporations, civil and military government agencies, private scientific and technical institutions, universities and training academies, and consulting firms.