Takes the core mathematical principles pioneered by TruNavigator® and AnalyticsOS® and applies them to the high-value domain of process optimization. In a world filled with uncertain task times, inconsistent supply chains, and constrained resources, a robust and powerful toolset is required. TruProcess® addresses these problem areas with an accessible, easy-to-use, and ready to deploy modeling software.
How does TruProcess® Help Your Business with Process Optimization?

Quantify schedule impacts of uncertain task times, process dependencies, supplier variabilities, limited labor pools, and constrained resources

Identify timing, severity and impact of process chokepoints

Measure Constrained Resources
Quantify work-in-process, backlog and utilization rates for constrained resources with prioritized workload

Understand Cost Drivers
Quantify top drivers of direct, indirect and overhead costs for the process
Robust and Powerful Process Optimization Software
Vs Existing Discrete Event Simulations
Full range of uncertainty in both cost & schedule captured – not averages
Not just an engineering tool, provides clear indicators of constraints and alleviation strategies that can be shared with managers and executives
Adaptable to any level and scope of process – not limited to detailed production analysis
Vs Existing Project Management Tools
Easily evaluate and compare alternative process strategies – not locked into unwieldy file comparison
Allocate labor and fixed resources including execution uncertainty – not asked to forecast exact resource usage ahead of time
Request a demo of TruProcess®
Knowing the “Price to Win” needed when bidding on government contracts is more important than ever. Check out Lone Star’s TruPredict! Powered by TruNavigator®