Lone Star CEO, Steve Roemerman to Chair Modeling Best Practices Benchmarking Project with Probability Management.org
Lone Star Analysis, internationally recognized for its unique decision analysis support, modeling, and simulation, and a trusted provider of advisory services addressing highly complex client is pleased to announce that its CEO, Steve Roemerman has been tapped to be the Chair of the Probability Management Best Practices Committee (MBP2).
News and Press Releases
Data Sets and Resources Characterizing Large Numbers of Observations And Rare Events
Data Sets and Resources Characterizing Large Numbers of Observations And Rare Events This document summarizes datasets referenced by Wikipedia, and documents from other sources...
Efficiently Representing Uncertainty as Probability Distributions
Efficiently Representing Uncertainty as Probability Distributions This paper discusses two means for efficiently representing uncertainty as probability distributions: Stochastic Information Packets (SIPs) and Stochastic...
Lone Star Analysis Breaks New Ground in Prescriptive Analytics
Dallas, TX (8/31/15) Lone Star Analysis, internationally recognized for its unique decision analysis support, modeling and simulation, and a trusted provider of advisory services broke new ground in the analytics market by launching OptiSolvTM, a highly scalable Stochastic Optimization capability within its TruNavigatorSM prescriptive analytics platform.