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Lone Star’s TruPredict Featured on NewsWatch TV

NewsWatch TV regularly features stories on new technology from around the globe poised to hit our market. The Lone Star TruPredict™ segments airs on October 21st (ION) and October 24th (History). The ION show airs 5:30-6:00am and the History Channel show airs at 6:00-6:30am, both in local time. Lone Star’s TruPredict was chosen because one of the NewsWatch producers saw a recent press release that featured the ground breaking Price to Win tool and felt that it was the kind of news story that fit what NewsWatch viewers would be interested in. Here is the YouTube link for the video.

Protest Report Draws from Lone Star’s CEO

The Congressional Research Service (CRS) issued a report to Congress, “GAO Bid Protests: Trends and Analysis” which draws on work by Lone Star CEO Steve Roemerman, among others. “CRS is an important institution on our Legislative Branch,” Roemerman said. “This report is timely because of the increasing trend of protests in federal acquisition. The data and trends are worth understanding because they represent hundreds of billions of tax dollars being spent.” The report is available at the CRS website,

Lone Star Continues with its Commitment to Employ Summer Interns

Recently, Nathan Rios, one of three interns who participated in Lone Star’s intern program, took a few moments from his busy fall semester to write…

“Although I’m in a different atmosphere I still try to maintain that same professionalism and dedication with my school. I enjoy my classes, they are starting to get tough but I try to just ask myself if I was asked to do this at Lone Star how would I get it done and it just motivates me to tackle it more!”

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